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Preparing for your carpet install

You've made your selection and it's nearly time for your carpet to be installed. Here's some helpful tips and advice to prepare yourself and your home.

  • Painted walls and skirting boards and wallpapered walls – carpet has an unforgiving jute backing. Paint can take up to seven days to cure and harden, with enamel paints sometimes taking 30 days. Skirting board protectors are used and all care is taken but even a gentle brush with carpet on a wall holding soft paint or wallpaper can be detrimental. The longer the time between paint and wallpaper finishing to carpet installation, the better.

  • Carpet, once installed with underlay, is approximately 14-16mm in height, often much more for top end products. This is perfect for butting to installed timber floors and ceramic tiles. However, your ceramic tiler needs to install an aluminium finishing bar under the last row of tiles to allow our carpet installation teams to fit the product nicely to the tiles – sharp tile edges without their own finishing bar can also cut feet and carpet pile – this bar cannot be installed retrospectively after the tiles are finished.

  • Mats – a carpet installation will rarely have large pieces of off-cuts – jobs are generally very tight as leftover material is costly and uneconomic for you. If mats are required, please let us know prior to pricing so we can allow for your requirements. We have our own in-house overlocking service.

  • Lifts – Installation of carpet to lifts is a specialist job undertaken by the lift installers, not carpet installers. We still need to allow for the supply of product to match the rest of the home and provide the product to the lift specialists once all the other carpet product is cut for the residence.

  • Furniture Shifting – we offer this service for larger items but ask that clients pack away their nearest and dearest possessions.

  • Uplifted Carpet – our carpet proposals allows for the uplift and disposal of existing floorcoverings in existing homes.

  • Often we are asked by builders for old uplifted carpet and/or underlay to protect new concrete on building sites – we do have this from time to time, depending on when uplifts are disposed of – call us to check.

Installation Timelines

  • If your building project is running earlier or later than originally scheduled, contact or communication helps us to find alternative available spots quickly to ensure your installation runs smoothly for you.

  • Lead-in time for carpet and vinyl installs is usually around 2-3 weeks (subject to product availability) although windows of availability are possible when cancellations or amended dates occur.

Please note the above information is a guide only.

Still unsure? Chat with us on 0800 437 7263. At Gerrand Floorings we're here to help answer all of your questions and make the flooring experience for your residential or commercial project an enjoyable one.


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